Jenni Rotonen

Jenni Rotonen

It immediately felt like home.

"I'm an evening walker. An unrepentant aesthetic who might head off on a night walk with a camera and look for the most beautiful light, scenery, moment. I've noticed that beauty is not always found in the most obvious spot – it can show up in an unexpected place," says the blogger and social media influencer Jenni Rotonen.

Rotonen is known for her exquisite photos and the little moments she captures in them. No wonder that the Oulu native builds her Helsinki around evening walks. Important districts for Rotonen include Kallio and Merihaka, as well as the city centre streets. "Kallio has the city's most interesting places at the moment." 

Rotonen has moved around a lot during her life, both in Finland and abroad. "When I was younger I had a wish to really find a place where I could settle down and never have to leave. Now I've lived in Helsinki longer than anywhere. It immediately felt like home." 

She is especially enchanted by the light and different ambiances found in Helsinki. "Helsinki is a beautiful city with a lot of feeling, especially in spring and early autumn. The summer is special because the atmospheric light lasts so long during the day. Sometimes we go on midnight walks. When other people go to a bar, we head out with our cameras to explore what the flowers and different colours look like in the setting sun. There are deep, beautiful tones." 

Rotonen first got to know her adopted hometown by riding around full circles on trams. "It was a way to map out how everything is situated in the city. With the metro, you sort of lose track of the route by just jumping from A to B. With the tram you can see the scenery. Distances are short in Helsinki and you can walk everywhere. If you don't have energy to walk, the city bike system is also a really handy way to see the city.”

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