Daniel Steegmann Mangrané

Artist Daniel Steegmann Mangrané invites people to question their habits and how they look at the world. <p>Artist Daniel Steegmann Mangrané invites people to question their habits and how they look at the world. He creates environments visitors can experience with all their senses.</p><p>The fifth floor of the museum is transformed into an immersive installation. A striking element on the top floor galleries is the natural light streaming in from the windows through coloured filters, which makes the exhibition change constantly, according to the outdoor light conditions. The floor is lined with blue carpeting, which denaturalizes and further questions a typical museum space.</p><p>Nature and artifice often meet in Steegmann Mangrané’s work. What is man-made and what is natural becomes unclear. For the artist, however, these are not opposites. Humanity is part of nature, it is something people can’t place outside themselves as if it were merely a backdrop for their necessities. For Steegmann Mangrané, the rainforest – a recurring element in his work – is a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Kiasma</p><p>31.3.-10.9.2023&nbsp;</p><p>Tue-Fri 10.00-20.30</p><p>Sat 10.00–18.00</p><p>Sun 10.00–17.00</p><p>Admission fee 12/20€ under 18 yrs free entry</p>
Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma
Mannerheiminaukio 2

60.172062, 24.936619

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