Team - a Chamber Opera about the Joys of Work

The chamber opera "Tiimi (Team)," written by Joonas Pohjonen and Päivi Rahmel, with music composed by Pohjonen <p>The chamber opera "Tiimi (Team)," written by Joonas Pohjonen and Päivi Rahmel, with music composed by Pohjonen, plunges headfirst into the depths of the workplace.&nbsp;</p><p>The plot of the opera takes the audience to a workplace, where a new strategy is about to be implemented. Struggling amidst twisted human and power relations, arrogance, and indifference, the archetypal characters both amuse and bring tears – just as is fitting for a proper opera.</p><p>As Department Head Karjula leads the team with a firm hand, emotions take over in various subordinates. The hectic morning intensifies during Consultant Huttula's training until Mrs. CEO arrives.&nbsp;</p><p>What happens to the central character, Liisa Ahkera, left in the gears of working life?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Composition by Joonas Pohjonen<br>Libretto by Joonas Pohjonen &amp; Päivi Rahmel<br>Directed by Siljamari Heikinheimo<br>Performers and orchestra: classical music students, Metropolia UAS Degree Programme of Music</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Soiva, Kamarimusiikkisali Kammari&nbsp;</p><p>19.-24.1.2024</p><p>19.1. at 19.00 premiere</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Other performances:</p><p>20.1. at 15.00<br>23.1. / 24.1. at 19.00</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Tickets 10/20€, duration 1 h</p><p>Performed in Finnish, no subtitles</p>
Muotoilijankatu 1B

60.210293, 24.977154
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