Schjerfbeck & Fashion

Schjerfbeck & Fashion – Art and Costume History 1880–1950 <p>Schjerfbeck &amp; Fashion – Art and Costume History 1880–1950<br>Helene Schjerfbeck (1862–1946) loved both painting and fashion, and in her portraits the model’s attire was an integral part of the work. The birth of modern fashion coincided with Helene Schjerfbeck’s career, which spanned from the 1870s to the 1940s. Schjerfbeck &amp; Fashion – Art and Costume History 1880–1950 is the first exhibition in Finland to present historical fashion and paintings side by side.</p><p>Schjerfbeck was particularly fond of French-style apparel, and French fashion magazines served as inspiration for her paintings as well. The coolly elegant figures of the women in the fashion photos, with their long necks and reddened lips, merged into the image of modern femininity embodied in works of art. Schjerfbeck’s enthusiasm for fashion is also evident in her letters to her cousin Dora Estlander, who was the model for the painting Elegant Lady (Dora), (ca. 1928). The letters from 1922–1945 are now owned by the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, and the research conducted for the exhibition is partially based on this source material.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Villa Gyllenberg</p><p>14.2.–9.6.2024</p>
Villa Gyllenberg
Kuusisaarenpolku 11

60.18418, 24.852121
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