Annual festivities: Easter, First of May, Midsummer and Christmas

With their backs to the camera, two people in coats wearing crowns of leaves hug, looking accross a lake at a Midsummer bonfire.
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How do the locals spend Easter, First of May, Midsummer and Christmas. Here's a quick guide to all four holidays.

In Finland we have lovely festivities throughout the year that give locals the chance to celebrate and be merry. Yet there are some holidays that are spent with more gusto than others, and some festivities that are very specific to this part of the world and totally unique to the Finnish people. We have our own customs and delicacies that help us commemorate festivities such as Easter, First of May, Midsummer and Christmas.

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How do the locals spend Easter, First of May, Midsummer and Christmas. Here's a quick guide to all four holidays.