Fatbiking Tour in Nuuksio

Fatbiking tour in Nuuksio
Fatbiking tour in Nuuksio
Fatbiking tour in Nuuksio
1 hours 30 minutes
74.8 €

<p>Join us for a fun and refreshing fatbiking tour in Nuuksio!</p>
<p>Nuuksio offers scenic and diverse tracks for fatbiking. The pace and route will be planned to be suitable for the group. We will also have several breaks during the tour.</p>
<p>Before we set off we will get acquainted with the fatbikes and the participants will get guidance for safe cycling. The fatbikes are equipped with very thick tyres and have an excellent grip. Because of the fat tyres the fatbikes are also light to cycle on an uneven terrain.</p>
<p>We have 14 pcs fatbikes and 2 pcs e-fatbikes (electric) in our fleet. The e-fatbikes are always included in our fatbiking tours. This helps the group stay better together especially when there are participants with variable condition and skills. It is also possible to change bikes during the tour so that all willing have a chance to try out an electro fatbike. </p>
<p>The default location is Nature Center Haltia and it's surrounding area, other locations are also possible!</p>

Nuuksiontie 82
60.292763502549, 24.561060016489
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