Helsinki is a city where you feel completely comfortable and at ease

Residence-vieras Celinne da Costa

Helsinki is one of my favourite cities in the world! If I had to describe how it feels to me, I would say it's like an old couch. I know that right off the bat, that sounds kind of weird. But bear with me... this is actually a huge compliment! Imagine you have a really long, stressful day at work and all you want to do is go back home. You walk through your door and the first thing you do is go sit on your couch. It’s one that you’ve had for years, that you absolutely adore and will not to get rid of until it is falling apart. You walk over to your couch, sink into its folds, and breathe out a deep sigh of relief. At this moment, there’s nowhere you’d rather be than on that couch, feeling completely comfortable and at ease.

Celinne Da Costa @celinnedacosta
Residence-vieras Celinne Da Costa

American Celinne da Costa visited Helsinki in summer and published photos of her stay on her popular Instagram account celinnedacosta

Here follows a short summary of those posts with 4 tips out of her recommendations in Helsinki:

1) My travel schedule is super crazy and hectic, but every time I step into the city I feel like I can finally breathe out a sigh of relief. It is safe, clean, functional, and charming. There is tons of space to roam and wander: when you explore the city with an open mind and fresh eyes, you'll find little alleyways and magical corners you never expected. I especially enjoyed the Jugend buildings

2) The Finnish people are gentle, quiet, and kind, there are places where you can rest in absolute silence as well as places that are hopping with interesting events and activities, the tech and design scenes are exploding, and the food scene is out of this world - so many Michelin rated restaurants and out-of-the-box cuisine concepts! One of my favourites was Löyly.

3) The best part is, Helsinki is not a city that you have to rush through. It is not a city that will swallow you whole and spit you back out. It is not a city that will demand your heart and soul in exchange for living there. It is a gentle yet constantly innovating and growing city where you can live comfortably, happily, and with ease. I really enjoyed the new Central Library Oodi.

4) I absolutely love Helsinki, but it’s not for the reasons that most people love a city. Rather, it’s because it DEFIES my perception of what a city should be. It's my third visit here and it gets better every time: the more I get to know it, the more hidden gems I discover, cool people I meet, and learn to appreciate its unique style. It is a cozy old couch that I long to come home to after a long and arduous day. Some of my favourite local brands are Marimekko and Ivana Helsinki.

See all her photos on Instagram here!


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American Celinne da Costa visited Helsinki in summer. Here follows a short summary of her Instagram posts with 4 tips out of her recommendations in Helsinki.