Help us develop the Think Sustainably service

Towards the right of the picture, two men walk to the edge of some tall rocks on Pihlajsaari island and look out towards the sea at dusk.
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The Think Sustainably service helps you make more sustainable lifestyle choices in Helsinki. You are an important part of the solution.

The Think Sustainably service invites to share best practices and to accelerate the steps towards sustainable development.  The service is based on three principles: criteria, actions made by service providers, and the activity of service users. The service and the set criteria are regularly evaluated by users and experts and through feedback from the suppliers.

You are welcome to give feedback on criteria, the participants, as well as the overall functionality of the service. You can also suggest new participants for the service.  You can also send compliments to the service providers on well-maneuvered solutions. We believe that encouragement is important right now.

You can find feedback buttons also when studying the details of each supplier with a green tab and when getting to know the criteria. Your feedback will not be published on the website.

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Give feedback and help us in developing the service further.
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Experience sustainable Helsinki
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The service providers who have met the Think Sustainably criteria are marked with a green tab.
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The Think Sustainably service invites to share best practices and to accelerate the steps towards sustainable development. The service is regularly evaluated by users and experts as well as through feedback from the suppliers.