Restaurant Walhalla

Matko ID

<p>Restaurant Walhalla, Sun Terrace &amp; Bar are closed in 2022-2023. The premises will undergo a major renovation, after which the restaurant will be looking for a new entrepreneur. The restaurant aims to open again in the summer of 2024.</p>
<p>Restaurant Walhalla is a gourmet restaurant located on the historic grounds on the fortified southern edge of the Kustaanmiekka isle at Suomenlinna. The restaurant offers, besides the beautiful surroundings of its main dining hall caponiere Delwig, also a bar, a stunning sea view terrace and the Pizzeria Nikolai. </p>
<p>The restaurant is normally open from First of May until the crayfish season in autumn, and for orders all year.</p>
<p>Restaurant Walhalla is located in the the fortifications of Kustaanmiekka at the southern tip of Suomenlinna, close to the Kuninkaanportti (King's Gate).</p>

Suomenlinna A 10

60.139041900635, 24.989080429077

Opening hours
Monday: All day open
Tuesday: All day open
Wednesday: All day open
Thursday: All day open
Friday: All day open
Saturday: All day open
Sunday: All day open
Opening hours (text form)
Open in summer in May-September, please see opening hours on webpages
Opening hours exception
Open in summer in May-September, please see opening hours on webpages